

Do you have an item you need 3D printing? Whether it’s a piece for around the house or your latest business product, we can print it for you using lean manufacturing methods.

Suitable for one-off purchases or bulk.

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Do you have an idea and are in the early stages of product development? Our Design and Prototyping service can help create the initial prototype to get you started.


Using 3D sculpting and CAD software we can work with you to design that product, and take it from concept to prototype to create a finished product for your business.

It’s time to think outside the box, and step away from the cookie cutter products that everyone is selling. Create moulds and templates that are completely unique to your business.


Our Bulk Manufacturing service allows us to create finished products without the need for a large setup or excessive costs.


A variety of material options available.

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3D Printer Repairs

We can repair and maintain any 3D printer brand or model. We offer fast, reliable, and affordable services, including clog removal, firmware updates, hot-end replacement, and more. Contact us today for a free estimate and consultation.

Refer a Friend

If you’ve had great service from us, why not refer a friend and get a little money off your next project with us?


Great service for them, and great value for you.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.

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