A 3D Printed Love Letter to Grimsby

At Tidewater 3D Printing, our hometown of Grimsby is firmly at the heart of everything that we do. So much so, in fact, that our Head Graphic Designer and 3D Printer Chris included the famous Grimsby Dock Tower in our logo.


Grimsby has received a lot of negative press over the years, partially due to the decline in our once iconic status as a leading fishing port. We have a problem with poverty, a lack of resources and the various problems that both these factors bring with them. However, Grimsby is our home and we wanted to create products that reflected our love for the town.


Neither of us are big football fans, however Grimsby Town Football Club plays a huge roll in our town. It felt natural that we wanted to created a range of products that reflect that passion, which is why we created our We Piss On Your Fish Plaques.

We Piss On Your Fish Plaque scaled

Well, that and Chris had really wanted a We Piss On Your Fish sign that another shop sold, for one of his Tidewater Events, however that shop seems to have completely stopped selling them. 


I think that is one of my personal favourite things about owning a 3D printer and being in a relationship with a Graphic Designer; if there’s something we want or need, that doesn’t exist or that we can no longer purchase locally, Chris can just design and make it himself.

Grimsby Sign scaled

The fact that these signs have been so popular amongst other Grimbarians has meant a lot to us. Partially because Kat also runs Made in Grimsby and Cleethorpes which is all about spreading positivity around being Grimbarian, but also because they’re so deep rooted in our personal history.

Grimsby Mariners Signs scaled

We’re slowly growing this collection, so if there is anything you think we should put on a sign, get in touch and we’ll see what we can do.


We are always open to custom orders and commissions.


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